What is Swiss CNC Machining?

What is CNC Machining? 

CNC, also known as Computerized Numerical Control machining, is a process where the computer program guides the machine on what to do. It is a pre-programmed and coded software. Swiss CNC Machining is the most precise and efficient machining method for many critical components. 

Swiss CNC Machining, also known as Swiss automatic lathe or Swiss-type lathe, is a precision machine that can make small parts and components. 

“A Swiss machine works by feeding bar stock through a guide bushing, which firmly supports the material as it feeds into the tooling area of the machine. In addition, only the portion of the bar stock being machined advances into the tooling area, which means that material is held tightly in place for increased stability and precision.’’ ( www.ultramc.com)

This type of machining controls numerous amounts of machining from lathes & milling to turning and grinders. As a CNC Operator, technical skills are needed to be able to operate such as mathematics, design, and technical skills. Being an operator seeing the final outcome of raw material turning into a medical shaft or bone screw is impressive. 

Here at Swiss Technologies of New England & Stone Medical we strictly use Swiss CNC Machining to ensure our parts and components (especially medical) are as precise as possible. 

Advantages of CNC Swiss Machinery

  • Small complex precision parts 
  • Long cylindrical parts 
  • Tighter tolerances  
  • Smoother surface finish
  • Efficient run time
  • Complex Parts 

Swiss Technologies of New England and Stone Medical’s Swiss Machining Capabilities

A blurb from our website:

In a Swiss-type screw machine, the headstock contains a component that clamps the material, called the collet. The material is then fed through a guide bushing, which in most cases is made of carbide. This bushing is custom-adjusted to each project: loose enough so that the material can slide smoothly through it, but tight enough to keep the material from flexing away from the cutting tool. This guide bushing is what separates Swiss-Type screw machines from conventional lathes. It allows Swiss-type machines to maintain very tight tolerances in relation to part diameter-even over long lengths. We are talking about plus or minus .0001″ kind of precision. To take an example, if you needed to turn a .100″ diameter over a 3″ length, a Swiss-type screw machine is truly your only option. The material would bend away from the cutting tool on a conventional lathe, but a Swiss-type screw machine handles this job with ease. That’s why Swiss-type machines are vital to creating the kinds of parts required by the many complex jobs of today.

Take a look at our website under “Services” for more information on CNC Machining and other services we provide!

Stone Medical Website

Swiss Technologies of New England Website




What is Swiss CNC Machining? – UMC (ultramc.com)

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